151 Kristiansand Drive, Suite 107, Williamsburg, VA
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Biblical Counseling

Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC provides resources, training and certification to promote excellence and doctrinal integrity in biblical counseling)

Fallen Soldier’s March (FSM exists to glorify God by providing hope, comfort, and healing to the men, women, and families of the US Armed Forces–whether active duty or veterans. This is accomplished through a volunteer network of certified biblical counselors.)

Overseas Instruction in Ministry (OIC strives to bring the Word of Truth across cultures by training men and women in biblically-based soul restoration, so they can train others.)


The Master’s Seminary (Through an advanced academic program prioritizing biblical authority and local church discipleship, the mission of TMS is to train men for pastoral ministry—to preach the Word of God, reach the world for Christ, and teach others to do the same.)

The Master’s University (TMU is a biblical liberal arts institution that uses biblically-centered curricula and co-curricular programs to educate maturing disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.)

Answers in Genesis (AiG is an apologetics ministry dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Also see Answers.tv.)

Expository Preaching

Grace Community Church (Grace Church in Sun Valley, California, focuses on sound doctrine, spiritual leadership, and active service. John MacArthur is the current pastor/teacher.)

Grace to You (GTY’s international ministry provides resources from John MacArthur including sermons, articles, podcasts, and books.)

Ligonier (Since its founding in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Ligonier has been a fellowship of teachers dedicated to making the deep truths of the Christian faith accessible to growing believers.)

OnePassion Ministries (The OnePassion platform makes available the preaching, teaching, and writing ministry of Dr. Steven J. Lawson through a comprehensive website and exists to ignite a supreme passion for God and His glory in all people throughout the world)

Truth for Life (Driven by the desire to share the Gospel without the barrier of cost, Truth For Life ensures that messages in Alistair Begg’s entire teaching library can be heard, watched, or shared for free.)