151 Kristiansand Drive, Suite 107, Williamsburg, VA
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One way to get to know Grace Church Williamsburg is to read through our church documents. Each of these was written with the intent of honoring God and being true to Scripture.

Our Statement of Faith

Our Statement of Faith provides a helpful outline and description of what we believe and teach. (Download Statement of Faith)

Our Bylaws

As a church, we seek to honor God in the way we conduct ourselves in the world. Our bylaws were written to provide guidance and clarity in this realm. (Download Bylaws)

Our Membership Process

We believe in the priority of church membership as a means for our elders to steward their watch-care over our church family and for our church family to love and serve one another. Our membership process guides both our elders and prospective members through this commitment with prayerful and sober due diligence. (Download Membership Process)