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Worshiping from Home | March 29, 2020

March 28th, 2020

The message for Sunday, March 29,  is an encouraging reminder about God’s love for His people. We would like to encourage you to listen for ways that Dr. MacArthur ties the life of the church to discipleship–that is, to making disciples as we live in light of our faith in Jesus Christ.

In the first few minutes of his introduction, John mentions the nature and function of the church, and he asks, “how are we to understand the church?” At this time, with Covid-19 spreading fear, a growing sense of uncertainty, and anxiety over a lack of control among the unbelieving world, Christians are being tested in our beliefs about, and our commitments to, the church–the body of Christ, the new humanity reborn by the power of God through redemption and faith in Jesus Christ.

As things are stripped away and we face increasing measures of restrictions on our liberties, we begin to find out what is really important to us and what we are really trusting in and building our lives around. So, please allow this message to speak to your own sense of investment in what is most important to God on this earth–His people.

Be encouraged about what our salvation means to us as we hope for heaven and build our lives with those who will share eternity with us. And ask yourself, “What aspects of my life reflect a wholehearted commitment to building the kingdom of God on earth?” Let the joy of Jesus shine brightly in your life because you have hope for heaven and are counted among the redeemed (Matt. 5:16).

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