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Be Faithful, Not Fearful

November 2nd, 2020

(Day 1 in our Election Week 2020 Encouragement series)

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

So much hype and so little hope―that might be one way to characterize much of what our nation has seen and heard in the months leading up to this week. So many conflicting messages, contradictory statements, negative diatribe, and voluminous numbers of self-serving political infomercials have combined to confound and polarize so many Americans. 

Add to this the ongoing and equally confusing (vexing) collection of information and instructions about COVID-19. And then mix in an unavoidable dose of human nature (the sinful kind), and the situation becomes a powder keg of raw emotions ready to erupt in desperate expressions of sheer terror. At least, that’s what the liberal media, hate-mongers, and doomsday types would have us think. Such is our world (see the entire book of Ecclesiastes).

What does God think about these modern events? Well, read again Isaiah 41:10 and consider that this was spoken to some very troubled people. Isaiah means, “Jehovah has saved.” And that is the central message of the book; God is the only one who saves, so God’s people must put their trust in Him alone. But here was the problem of that time, the northern kingdom of Israel had united with Aram (Syria) to wipe out the southern kingdom of Judah. And Ahaz, king of Judah, went against the counsel of Isaiah and chose to put his trust in making nice with the Nazis of the ancient era, the dreaded Assyrians. Assyria gladly accepted Ahaz’s call for help and eventually conquered the northern kingdom, deporting most of the people from what was Israel.

It was only a matter of time before Assyria then turned to conquer Judah. Assyria’s king, Sennacherib destroyed many fortified cities in Judah and eventually laid siege to Jerusalem. “It was a time of great fear and political uncertainty.” Sound familiar? But God was in control!

God’s man steps in; Isaiah brings God’s message of faithfulness to Judah. Hezekiah, Judah’s king, listens to Isaiah and trusts God. Assyria is miraculously defeated, and Judah is saved. But it doesn’t last because Judah will turn away from the Lord to trust in themselves and their idols. When Isaiah speaks in 41:10, he brings God’s promise of future forgiveness and restoration. Read Isaiah 40-41 and note God’s faithfulness to His promises to His people. His grace would see the people responding in faithfulness to Him; that’s why we trust Him—He is ever faithful!

Jesus said something similar: “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). What a contrast! In the world we have troubles which lead us to tremble and despair. Take courage. Because in Jesus we are not only safe but sanctified (made and kept holy).

What God is doing through modern events cannot be undone. Read John 14:1-6 and be at peace. You are beloved of God because of your faith in Jesus. So, remember, rest, and be reassured. 

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